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Best in the Business
C. Sei-Hee Arii was very helpful
C. Sei-Hee Arii was able to get a favorable outcome for my case. She was very helpful and knowledgeable about the issues involved.
Excellent lawyer
Sei-Hee is an excellent lawyer who is second to none. She handled my case in a professional manner. She told me what to expect and assured me of her help with my traffic violation related charges. She was very brief and clear when she represented me during my court hearing. She presented the case to the judge in a clear manner and convinced the judge that charges me does not deserve a harsh punishment and that I should be given a second chance to prove that I am a good law abiding person. The judge accepted her argument and I got out of trouble. Therefore I highly recommend her for any traffic related violations because she has what it takes to get you out of trouble once you follow her Counsel before court hearing. She also understands circumstances and gives good recommendations. You will never regret her services.
Excellent lawyer
She really cares about her clients and really was helpful… she answered all my questions and really pushes for the best possible outcome for her clients… she was able to get my charges dropped in a final protective order that could have gone either way thanks SEI-HEE
Competent and Caring Representation
After a very frightening arrest for DUI, I entered my information into a search engine for attorneys. Ms. Arii contacted me within hours. She was knowledgeable and kind, and patiently explained my circumstances and options. She was able to secure PBJ with unsupervised probation, as it was my first and only offense. Her price is lower than many other attorneys and her level of service and expertise are outstanding.
I was facing jail time ,loss of my drivers license,a police record (that would have dogged me for the rest of my life), loss of my job/career, retirement and benefits and maybe even my home. You took care of everything! You are the greatest and I can’t thank you enough for all that you did for me. If by chance I ever get myself in another mess I promise you will be the first person I call.
One of the best DUI Lawyers!
When I got my 1st DUI, I was worried. I did not know what to expect since I never got into the wrong side of the law. I knew I had to get a good lawyer to help me fight it in court. I decided to call Sei-Hee Arii and she gave me an appointment to go to her office. I saw down and she took notes while she was asking questions and explaining the whole process. This itself made me calmed and relaxed knowing she will do whatever it takes to fight on my behalf in court. She understood I was a student and gave me a great deal! To make a long story short, i did everything she asked me to do and she was able to convince the Judge to reduce my charges to DWI and best of all, my record was cleared! The money I spent was worth it. If [you’re] looking for the best DUI lawyer in Maryland then call Sei-Hee Arii. She is good [at] what she does and I guarantee you she will do whatever it takes for you to get a better trial. Thank you so much!
Best lawyer in state of MD
My case was complicated involving out of state license. She worked with me in very polite and responsive manner, listened to what were my concerns with my case and came to a conclusion together. Every penny I spent was worth it
Dedicated Legal Representation Leading to Positive Resolution
When I contacted Sei-Hee for my second DWI, I felt certain that jail time was in my future. I was scared of spending time there and of how a second conviction could impact my career. Sei-Hee’s knowledgeable approach and personable demeanor allowed me a shockingly positive resolution – the charges were dropped and she helped me immediately file for expungement upon completion of trial. Her prices were fair and she fights for her clients more than the standard DUI lawyer.
I wanted to thank you for your professional assistance. But also, for making this difficult experience, more tolerable. You project a calming confidence. Your thorough approach, are both reassuring and make the process understandable. Something I found very useful. I could not be happier with the outcome. I found your fee schedule, very reasonable and straight forward. Your guidance, and direction, as to steps that would assist my case were invaluable!
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